How to encourage healthy sleep routines for children

This post is written by Jess who is a mom of two and the nursery Business Co-Ordinator for Little Green House Childcare.

 Each parent you speak to will have a different experience when it comes to their little one’s sleep routine. My children have been up and down over the years, some weeks they would sleep amazingly then other weeks they would have me up most of the night. I remember talking to a friend of mine and she told me that her son slept through the night fine and has done since he was little. This really made me think about what is it that I am not doing. Why don’t they want to sleep all the time? You know the parent guilt that creeps up on you from time to time.


Then I started reading more into children’s sleep routines and behaviours. I found that what my children were doing was ‘normal’. During the first years of a child’s life they develop and grow so much. Their brain is making new connections and they are learning new skills all the time. During these times, their sleep can be affected.

The one main thing that I changed was to have a routine. One that we stuck to every day. I have found that when my children have a routine the evening goes so much better. They know what is coming next and they get the opportunity to unwind properly before bedtime.

Our bedtime routine

Our night-time routine starts at teatime. I make sure to have tea at the same time every day as they know this is when things start to wind down.

  • At teatime we make sure that the TV is turned off. It is a time where we come together as a family talk about our day, share things with each other. Even on busy days we make sure we set this time apart. As the day can pass you by and before you know it its bedtime and you have not had a proper conversation with your children all day.

  • After tea they then have some quite time where they can play quietly with some toys or look at some books.


  • Then we go upstairs the children do not have a bath every night as it really dries their skin out. So, on the nights when they do not have a bath, they have a wash, brush their teeth and then get into their pyjamas.

  • Once in their pyjamas we pick a story book and read it all together, dimming the lights to make it more of a relaxing environment.

  • They then go straight to bed have cuddles and kisses and we say goodnight. When they were younger, they liked to have a night light and some calming music playing. I have found as they are getting older (2 & 4), they no longer need these extra comforting things to make them feel ready to sleep.

I make sure not to overcomplicate our evening routine. You need something that will run smoothly and calmly. Making sure the children are calm and relaxed really makes for an easier bedtime. They go to sleep so much easier and quicker when they are relaxed and ready for bed.

Each family is different so what works for my family may not necessarily work for yours. Finding a routine that does work for your family is really a turning point. I know it was for us, I no longer rush them on an evening to get sorted, or sit by their beds most of the night and ninja crawl out their room. This is just down to having a good routine and the children being ready to sleep. Of course, they still have their moments when they wake me up in the night. However, this is happening less and less and the odd night of broken sleep I can deal with.