Self isolating with your children. How to get through the day

This post is written by Jess who is a mom of two and the nursery Business Co-Ordinator for Little Green House Childcare.

Self isolating with your children can leave you feeling all kinds of emotions. From concern and worry as one of you may be displaying signs of Covid . To dread as you have to now entertain your children at home for at least 10 days. 

After self isolating myself with my own children who are 3 and 5 . I can honestly say that routine is key . Without a routine you can easily find yourself still in your pyjamas at 11 o’clock  mind numb from sitting watching telly. 

Of course the odd day just chilling is needed especially if your poorly but if this happens day after day . It can easily spiral into not wanting to do anything even when your isolation period is over . Children can display unwanted behaviours as they are bored and not stimulated. 

The routine doesn’t have to be set in stone and it can change day by day depending on how both you and your children are feeling on that day . I found it best to get up and out of bed like we normally would, have breakfast then plan our day . 

I would ask the children what they wanted to do that day . I found myself having more Yes days then I probably normally would . So saying yes to painting and play dough. As I knew these would keep them occupied and stimulated for longer than an activity I chose for them.Plus it gave me time to do some work , get the house in order or just have a moment to myself. 


As Ava is in Reception we would start our day off by doing the work that was set by school. Mainly because we found she was more focused in the morning. This may be different for your child and they may be more focused after lunch or later in the day . You have to do what works best for your child. 

Alby being 3 didn’t have any set work to do but he enjoyed doing some ‘school work’ like his sister. I would mix this up with things I had seen him do at nursery from looking at the closed Facebook page. Or using online resources from sites like orchard toys or twinkl

After this they would have some time to free play or watch a little bit of telly before lunch. 

The afternoon would be an activity of their choosing so things like painting or baking. After they had done this and helped me to tidy up we would take the dog in the garden and get some much needed air. Even in the rain we are out in the garden, even if it meant them wearing wellies and puddle suits. As we say at Little Green House it’s bad clothing not bad weather. 


Then we would go into our normal night time routine. They would have some screen time or play with their toys. 

During these crazy times we need to remind ourselves that we are doing an amazing job. Juggling working from home, home schooling and keeping everyone happy and healthy. We need to leave the parent guilt at the door. It doesn’t matter if they have some screen time . Especially if you or they are feeling poorly. 

Your day may not go like ours does and that’s fine. Every family is different, parents jobs may not allow such a routine as they have to be in work calls and that’s fine. Just do what works for you and your family. The isolation period will end and hopefully you can go back to your normal ways.

For many this may still include home-schooling but at least you can break up your day with a walk. Walking is so good for your mental health as it clears the mind . Not only your mind but your child’s so make sure to put some time aside each day to get outside. Even if that is only in the garden. 


If you are finding it hard and you need support there is help out there talk to a member of the nursery team or call the Samaritans on 116 123