‘It takes a village to raise a child’

Being a parent can be hard and isolating at times. A chat with other parents can mean the world. To know you’re not the only parent feeling this way, to talk through whats going on and how you can come through it. This is the reason we have started the Little Green House Village for all our nursery parents.

The Village is a safe place where parents can come together and talk, ask for help and to share ideas.


Talking is so important, talking to someone who has felt the same as you can really help, plus other parents sharing stories of how they made their way through the hard-parenting times can make you realise there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You may even be in the same parenting stage as someone else. The support from each other can really make things feel so much easier.

The Little Green House village is more than your normal nursery parent group. It is a community of parents that are there for one another. That can be at the end of the phone when you need them. There to celebrate your parenting highs. Maybe you could even plan that long-awaited night out with other parents from the Little Green House Village, share childcare so you can go and have a bit of me time to get your hair cut or do the Christmas shopping without a child in tow. 


The Little Green House Village will also be where we as a nursery will put on special sessions regarding the different developmental stages of children and where we will ask for your input on all things nursery related.

The Little Green House Village is for everyone. As parents we are in this together raising the future. We are a tribe of future makers. So let’s support each other.